Soup Suppers is a parish-wide activity so we try to include all the ministries. Soup Suppers are very
simple. The meal includes soup, bread (any kind) and water. We don’t put out salt and pepper, nor
do we have desserts –everything is plain and simple. Each Ministry Team: sets up, brings soup and
bread, cleans up. Soup to serve 8- 10 people; soup is brought in a crock pot only and the “chef”
brings a ladle for their soup. You need at least 10-15 soups. You also need bread (sliced) or rolls.
This is our first Soup Supper since COVID. Before COVID, Soup Suppers averaged 80-100
people so you see we needed lots of soup. People take second helpings!! We never know how
many people will attend so we do not want to run out of soups. Deacon Frank will take the leftover
soup to the soup kitchen downtown.
Please – encourage all in your ministry to attend and bring their family and friends.
We use the Berry Room and Room B in Hendricks Hall for the Soup Suppers. If necessary, we open
the Immke Room. There will be rectangular tables with brown paper set up for food stations. Electric
strips for the crock pots will be at each station.
SET UP PEOPLE (Sr. Teresa and Amie will be there to help you.
arrive about 5:15 to fill pitchers with ice water. Cart will have everything needed for
tables: 8 plastic glasses, rice bowl, plastic plate goes under water. During the evening
check to see if pitchers need to be refilled.
help the people who bring soup or bread to get set up at the food stations. Be sure there
is a ladle for each soup, the kind of soup and “chef’s name” is written on paper.
during the evening keep an eye on the soup. If you see a crock pot empty or near empty
unplug it so t does not burn.
PRESENTATION AND GRACE begins right at 6:00 PM.
Soup should arrive no later than 5:45
Plug crock pot in, be sure you have a ladle for your soup. Label soup..
On the paper write the name of the soup and who made it or brought it.
Take your crock pot home with you.
There will be large baskets for the bread
At 6:45 start the cleanup. Start at the food stations, so you are not rushing people at the
tables. Left over soup is placed in containers provided. Use the markers to label the soup
and then take soup containers to refrigerator in kitchen. People who brought the soup will
take care of their own crock pots.
Put all leftover supplies in closet outside the hall (Sr. Teresa or Amie will show you).
Take water pitchers to kitchen, rinse and place on drainer to dry overnight.
Please be sure kitchen is left clean and ready for next users. Wash all tables for the
next users. People take their crock pot and ladles home with them (some even take the
soup that is left and that is fine).
Deacon Frank will take the soup to the Soup Kitchen later in the week. No left-over soup will
go to waste.
Amie Lopez and Sister Teresa